Four Chicago-area commercial real estate professionals and two leading companies were honored for excellence and outstanding contributions to the property management industry March 2 at the 14th Annual IREM Chicago Premier Awards. Congratulations Steve Matre on your award!

Steve won the 2018 CPM of the Year award for his many contributions to Banner as well as the Chicagoland Apartment Association. One of Banner's core values is Dedication. Being dedicated to the development of our employees and the success of our company. Steve personifies dedication as the Director of Education and Human Resources, an accomplished speaker, and a CPM with IREM.

Steve has been a mentor and model Banner team member for many years and it's always nice to see accomplishment recognized. Way to go, Steve!!!

J Turner Research announces the 2017 Elite 1% ORA™ Power Ranking of properties for online reputation in the nation. Now in its fourth year, the annual ranking is based on an exhaustive research of over 71,000 properties across multiple review sites. It is released in association with our media partner, Multifamily Executive. A total of 977 properties made it to the ORA™ Elite club in 2017.

Banner is excited to announce that Whisper Hollow made the cut again! The property is number 232 of 71,000 properties nationwide with a proud ORA score of 91. Dena and her team at Whisper Hollow take customer service and response to the next level. For more information on the ORA Power Ranking and scoring process by J Turner Research, CLICK HERE!

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